Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 3: Rewriting my Rules

So today was a day of change for me. I was beginning to be edgy and angry and I hate feeling like I have a short fuse. I do not like feeling like I am not in control of my emotions. So at much behest of my husband and to save my sanity I am incorporating a small cooked portion of meat at least once a day.
I really got the idea when drooling over my husbands dinner last night. He was eating everything I was but also a mini meat loaf I had made. While I was eating lettuce, colored bell peppers, carrots and broccoli with hummus I kept dreaming what eating what I was eating with a small bit of meat would be like. Tonight I made Tandoori Chicken for the family and while they ate it with noodles and cooked veggies I ate the chicken with my raw veggies and it was divine!
I feel about a million times better, and while I am upset I could not be a vegan I don't think it is the life for me. We already eat local or organic meats when they are available so I think I will try this for he rest of the time and see how my body acts after that.
Maybe going (and forgive the pun) cold turkey off meat was not the best of plans for a carnivore such as I.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 2: Thank God for Avacados

So while last night was miserable as the day drew to a close and sleep was hard to come upon. It actually reminded me of part of Charlotte's Web when Wilbur couldn't sleep "When your head is full and your stomach is empty..." and that was my night.
Today has been better, I changed how I am eating. Yesterday I tried to fit my eating into meals, spacing them out like the websites and books recommend but by dinner I could no longer chew and couldn't even bring myself  to finish my salad. So today I have been eating at the sign of a hunger pang and not worrying what or when but eating until I feel full. A lot more successful today, but we will see what tonight entails.
I did find a great ceviche recipe and I think I just might try it. I just need to see if I can get fresh red snapper at the grocery store. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 1: What an Epic Fail

OK, so that's a bit harsh. I haven't strayed yet but I do feel like a gigantic pile of poo. I know this is my body detoxing and adjusting but I feel hungry, even though I have eaten literally pounds of plants and I am tired and even a little dizzy.
I have made sure to keep my protein intake high since I do have blood sugar issues. I am already about to get some good ceviche and steak tartar recipes. I am not sure being a vegan is agreeing with me.
I know I need to give it time though. I just figured these first few days at least my enthusiasm would propel me. But as I force myself to eat the salad I had for dinner while my husband and kids eat salmon and wild rice I realize that I love my food cooked. This just might be the longest month of my life.
Now I understand why the sights tell you to stay busy during the day if you eat raw, if you haven't been eating like this for a very long time it is so easy to imagine eating anything and everything else. The only thing keeping me going is knowing I will be so mad if I give up after making this commitment. So I raise my cup of green tea and cheers to the night, tomorrow I do it all again.

Today is the day

So I am officially now going to e eating raw for a minimum of the month of February. I am very excited, I have purchased a couple days of fruits and veggies i enjoy as well as some raw almonds and walnuts to supplement the proteins I would be eating.

I am, however a little nervous about not using dressings since they are processed. I do have a few recipes I am going to use though with cold pressed olive oil or avocados and citrus juice.

Time to really put my will power to the test, I have to make bacon and egg breakfast sandwiches ...