Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 1: What an Epic Fail

OK, so that's a bit harsh. I haven't strayed yet but I do feel like a gigantic pile of poo. I know this is my body detoxing and adjusting but I feel hungry, even though I have eaten literally pounds of plants and I am tired and even a little dizzy.
I have made sure to keep my protein intake high since I do have blood sugar issues. I am already about to get some good ceviche and steak tartar recipes. I am not sure being a vegan is agreeing with me.
I know I need to give it time though. I just figured these first few days at least my enthusiasm would propel me. But as I force myself to eat the salad I had for dinner while my husband and kids eat salmon and wild rice I realize that I love my food cooked. This just might be the longest month of my life.
Now I understand why the sights tell you to stay busy during the day if you eat raw, if you haven't been eating like this for a very long time it is so easy to imagine eating anything and everything else. The only thing keeping me going is knowing I will be so mad if I give up after making this commitment. So I raise my cup of green tea and cheers to the night, tomorrow I do it all again.

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